An Alternative and Complementary Medicine Resource Guide
Books: Professional/Scientific Resources; Materia Medica/Safety; Folk/Traditional
Education and Training in Herbal Medicine: Main; Additional listings; CAM; Correspondence; Health Professionals
Professional and Referral Organizations
Search Services
Web Resources

These resources relate mainly to Western traditions of herbal medicine (also referred to as phytomedicine, herbal medicine or botanical medicine) that rely primarily on the use of single herbs. Other traditional systems of medicine, particularly Asian traditions, use many herbs in synergistic mixtures or blends. Examples are Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic, and Tibetan. They are not covered in the following listings. Note our Resource Guides on Ayurvedic, Tibetan medicine, and Traditional Systems of Medicine.
We are just beginning to understand the complexities of herbal medicine, with its multiplicity of active chemicals in a single herb, and the interaction of a mixture of herbs found in traditional therapies. Previously, scientific research relied on the drug development model, which focused on a single compound and mode of action. In order to effectively research whether herbal medicine is effective or even safe, we need to detect all the active chemicals that exist in a medicinal plant, but also evaluate their effects on humans individually and together. We need to know whether the production process changes the chemicals; whether these compounds interfere with each other or with other drugs; and if our current technology can accurately measure all of the potential chemicals that may play a part in the effectiveness of an "herbal drug". Herbal growers, manufacturers, researchers, medical clinicians, funding agencies are all part of the panoply of actors involved in the making of safe and effective herbal medicine.
As demand for alternative medicine has grown, so have the harvesting and collection pressures for numerous ecologies that produce the medicinal plants of interest. The largest impact on the availability has been the loss of habitat worldwide. In conjunction with loss of physical resources, many aboriginal societies who have maintained vast and important bodies of knowledge about the identification and use of medicinal plants are being lost as well. Both physical habitat and ancient knowledge, once lost, will be gone forever. An educated public is the best hope for influencing governmental decisions that will have far reaching implications.
The resources are selected and categorized to help you with your own research or background reading so you can become an intelligent, educated consumer not only of herbal products but, equally importantly, of information. Ultimately, together we will influence not only the quality of herbal medicine available to us in stores, but also whether we will maintain the diversity of plant life necessary to sustain a diversity of cultures and alternative methods for maintaining good health.
For additional resources on relevant Alternative and Complementary modalities, see our Resource Guides on:

NOTE: The following resource listings are not intended to be comprehensive, nor to be used as a guide for treatment. They are provided for information only. The resources are selected and categorized to help you with your own research.
David Winston
Paul Bergner
Jonathan Treasure
Robyn Klein
Stargrove, Mitchell B; Treasure, Johathan; McKee Dwight L
Herb, Nutrient and drug Interactions
Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Strategies
Mosby, Elsevier, 2008
Seventy comprehensive monographs of herb-drug and nutrient-drug interactions provide practitioners with research evidence on potential areas of risk and benefit for their patients. |
Ebadi, Manuchair
Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine
CRC, 2002
Demonstrates the beneficial effects and adverse side effects of a large number of herbal drugs, showing their actions and effects on organ, tissue, cellular, and subcellular levels. |
Mills, Simon; Bone, Kerry
Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy
Churchill Livingstone, 1999
Detailed, practical, and research-based approach to the use of herbal treatments in a wide variety of clinical conditions and problems.
Robbers, JE and Tyler, VE
Tyler's Herbs of Choice: the Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals
Haworth Press, 2000
Practical information on the traditional uses of herbal medicinals, bioactive ingredients and clinical uses - partly anecdotal, primarily scientific. |
Schulz, Volker; Hansel, Rudolf; Blumenthal, Mark; Tyler, Varro
Rational Phytotherapy: A Reference Guide for Physicians and Pharmacists
Springer, 5th Edition, 2004
A practice-oriented introduction to phytotherapy focusing on the most important groups of indications in phytotherapy and on herbal products that have been proven safe and effective by scientific standards.
Weiss, Rudolf Fritz
Herbal Medicine, 2nd Edition
Thieme Medical Publishers, 2000
Known as the classic text for MDs in Germany, this 2nd edition is viewed as an indispensable, modern text on medical herbalism.
Yarnell, Eric; Abascal, Kathy; Hooper, Carol
Clinical Botanical Medicine
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, 2003
This book for clinicians presents practical information on a broad range of diseases and conditions for which botanical medicine is effective. Special attention is given to toxicity and drug-herb interactions to ensure that the clinician is fully informed about the effects of each botanical and contraindications.
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia
AHP aims to produce 300 botanical monographs, including many of the Ayurvedic, Chinese and Western herbs most frequently used in the United States. AHP also provides botanical and chemical reference standards.
Barrett, Marilyn (Ed.)
Handbook of Clinically Tested Herbal remedies (V 1 & 2)
Haworth Herbal Press; 1st edition (May 2004)
Over 360 clinical studies are covered in this two-volume set. Details of products and the clinical trials in which they were tested are in an at-a-glance format. |
Brinker, Francis
The Toxicology of Botanical Medicines
Eclectic Medical Publications; 3rd ed edition, 2000
Identifies the toxic agents, effects and treatments of more than 120 species of plants. Includes: known therapeutic/toxic/lethal dosages of plant products. |
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia
British Herbal Medicine Association, 1996
Monographs covering identification and standards for plant materials used in herbal products. In addition, this site displays other BHMA publications.
H. Wagner, R. Bauer et al.
Chinese Herb Monographs and Analysis
A collection of 34 Traditional Chinese Herbal monographs, which include pharmacopeia information and publication in which first cited.
ESCOP Monographs
European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy
Sixty newly updated fascicules on the medicinal uses of plant drugs covering the top herbs and phytomedicines in Europe, prepared by herbal experts from European academia and industry.
McGuffin, Michael et al (eds.)
American Herbal Products Association's Botanical Safety Handbook
CRC Press, 1997
Safety data on over 550 herbs are provided as guidelines for product labels. Each herb is classified as: Can be safely consumed when used appropriately; Herbs with the following restrictions; For external use only; or, Not to be used during pregnancy. |
Mills, Simon; Bone, Kerry
The Essential Guide To Herbal Safety
Churchill Livingstone, 1999
This book addresses principles of and current major issues in herbal medicine safety, and provides reviews of the published safety data for 125 herbs. |
Scenderi, Gazmend
Herbal Vade Mecum
BookSurge Publishing, 2004
Approximately 800 botanical products are covered in short monographs, providing information on the active constituents, properties, uses, contraindications, side effects, and possible drug interactions. |
WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants
VOL 1: http://www.who.int/medicinedocs/collect/edmweb/pdf/s2200e/s2200e.pdf
VOL 2: http://www.who.int/medicinedocs/collect/edmweb/pdf/s4927e/s4927e.pdf
The World Health Organization collection of monographs is currently available in 2 volumes. Scroll the pdf files to find the individual monographs.
Wichtl, Max
Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals
Medpharm GmbH Scientific Publishers, 3rd edition 2004
Comprehensive phytopharmaceutical information on extraction solvents, drug-to- extract ratios, and dosage recommendations |
Duke, James
The Green Pharmacy
Rodale Press, 1997
Describes treatment protocols for over 120 health conditions using an interesting mix of folklore and science. Although there is frequent reference to experts and studies, including up-to-date findings from the German Commission E Monographs, no accurate references or bibliography are provided. |
Foster, S and Duke, J
Medicinal Plants - a Peterson Field Guide
Houghton Mifflin, 1990
Comprehensive, pocket-sized guide to identification of plants and their uses, part folk, part scientifically documented. |
Grieves, Mrs. Maude
A Modern Herbal: Vols 1 & 2
Dover Publications, 1971
This alphabetical encyclopedia, originally published in 1931, gives botanical information, medical properties, folklore, economic uses and recipes. Originally written in England, this 2 volume set reflects the history of herbal use in the US and Europe.
The contents are available electronically at Botanicals.com
Moerman, Daniel
Native American Ethnobotany
Timber Press, 1998
Comprehensive listing of drug, food, dye, and other use of plants by Native American Indian tribes. Each use listed is linked to the bibliography so the reader can get more details from the original source. Available online. |
Tierra, Michael and Lesley
Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine
Lotus Press, 1999
This 2-volume set combines both a section on Diagnosis and Treatment information and a Chinese Materia Medica and Herbal Reference. |
Tierra, Michael
Planetary Herbology
Lotus Press, 1988
Integrates the herbal traditions of the East and West, cross-referencing western herbs to the Chinese and Ayurvedic systems. Lists over 400 medicinal herbs available in the West, classified according to their chemical constituents, properties and actions, indicated uses and suggested dosages. |
Tierra, Michael
Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer
Lotus Press, 1988
Integrates the herbal traditions of the East and West, cross-referencing western herbs to the Chinese and Ayurvedic systems. Lists over 400 medicinal herbs available in the West, classified according to their chemical constituents, properties and actions, indicated uses and suggested dosages. |
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NOTE: The following listing of journals is a starting point; there are far more journals in the field than can be listed here.
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine.
The journal publishes scientific and clinical research on indigenous medical techniques, therapeutic procedures, medicinal plants, and traditional medical theories and concepts as well as translating scholarly ancient texts or modern publications on ethnomedicine. Published by the Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine.
Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism
The Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism (AJMH) is issued quarterly and covers all aspects of medical herbalism including philosophy, phytochemistry, pharmacology and clinical application of medicinal plants.
The Canadian Journal of Herbalism
This journal has published herbal monographs, case studies, book reviews, and informative articles on current research into herbal medicine for over 20 years.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Published by the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan covering pharmacognosy research.
Economic Botany
Economic Botany documents the rich relationship that has always existed between plants and people around the world, encompassing the past, present, and potential uses of plants.
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
The journal publishes original research in under represented indigenous languages, that often do not have a public forum for publication and distribution and includes perspectives of cultural practitioners, poets and other with insights into plants, people and applied research.
Phytotherapy journal published by Elsevier Science for Indena, Italy, a private company, specializing in botanical derivatives for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries.
Food and Chemical Toxicology
This journal publishes original research reports and occasional interpretative reviews on the toxic effects, in animals or humans, of natural or synthetic chemicals occurring in the human environment.
The Journal of the American Botanical Council. This is a full color quarterly publication with peer-reviewed scientific articles, herb news and market data, and regulatory and legal issues. The mail order book department offers a wide selection of books on herbal topics. This is an informative publication for the public and professionals.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Interdisciplinary journal from Elsevier devoted to research on biological activities of plant and animal
substances used in traditional medical systems.
Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy
Published by Haworth Press, this journal provides sound and expert research and advice to help physicians offer patients the broadest information on herbal treatments available.
Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants
Features original articles and short reviews associated with the production and development of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants. Includes information related to such areas as physiology, breeding, productivity, commercial applications, and marketing.
Journal of Natural Products
Joint publication of the American Chemical Society and the American Society of Pharmacognosy, for natural product chemists,biochemists, taxonomists, ecologists, and pharmacologists.
Journal of medicinal food
This journal provides the latest scientific research on the bioactive substances of functional and medicinal foods, nutraceuticals, herbal substances, and other natural products.
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
The society is comprised of people interested in plant life, including professional and amateur botanists, students, and others who simply like to enjoy nature in the country their objectives are "to promote interest in botany, and to collect and disseminate information on all phases of plant science".
Medical Herbalism
The aim of this journal is to preserve and develop the science and art of herbal medicine, and to promote communication and sharing of clinical methods and experiences. A free electronic newsletter, different from the journal, is also available.
Natural Product Reports
A bimonthly journal of critical reviews by the Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) which aims to stimulate progress in the study of natural products chemistry by providing regular and comprehensive reviews of the relevant literature.
Natural product updates
Natural Product Updates published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain), provides graphical abstracts of new developments in natural product chemistry, selected from over 100 primary journals.
Natural product research
Published by Taylor & Francis Health Science, this journal covers all aspects of research in the chemistry and biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds.
Pharmaceutical Biology
Formerly known as the International Journal of Pharmacognosy, it covers research on the bioactivity of plants and extracts from all parts of the globe.
Published by Elsevier, covers research on all aspects of plant chemistry, plant biochemistry, plant molecular biology and chemical ecology.
Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology
Published by Elsevier, the aim of the journal is to disseminate innovative and expert findings in the fields of phytopharmacology, phytotherapy and phytotoxicology, as a reference source for researchers in these fields, and with the aim to set international standards in methodology.
This journal, published in French, provides current scientific research on the medicinal plants.
Phytotherapy Research
Phytotherapy Research is an international journal for the publication of original medical plant research, including biochemistry and molecular pharmacology, toxicology, pathology, and the clinical applications of herbs and natural products to both human and animal medicine.
Planta Medica
The official publication of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research.
The Seedhead News.
Native Seeds/Search works to protect crop biodiversity and to celebrate cultural diversity.
Toxicological Sciences
This official journal of the Society of Toxicology is a peer-reviewed, hypothesis-driven, journal of original research articles in all areas of toxicology.
While the above listing is of primarily print journals that usually have a web presence, the following journals are exclusively web-based.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
An Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal that aims to promote the exchange of original knowledge and research in any area of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, including the following topics: ethnobotany, ethnozoology, ethnoecology, ethnopharmacy, ethnomedicine, ethnoveterinary, traditional medicines, traditional healthcare in households and domestic arenas, migrant healthcare/urban ethnobiology, pluralistic healthcare in developing countries, evidence-based community health, visual ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, gender studies and ethnobiology, as well as other related areas in nutritional, medical and visual anthropology.
Natural Medicine Online
Michael Murray edits this online newsletter, successor to the Natural Medicine Journal, to provide an
interactive physician's guide to clinical research.
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Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College of Berkley
Offers an accredited and approved Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine including Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture and herbology, combined with Japanese acupuncture, Japanese kampo herbology, Korean hand acupuncture, and Western integrative medicine.
American School of Herbalism
Offers a 200-hour fundamentals course in Integrative Herbalism, a fusion of Western and Chinese herbal traditions, and a 400-hour Community Herbalist training course in Santa Cruz, CA. Michael Tierra and Christopher Hobbs, two highly respected herbalists in North America, founded the school in 1991. The current directors of the school are Darren Huckle and Ben Zappin.
The Ayurvedic Institute
Offers two levels of study in traditional therapy of East Indian Ayurveda including herbs, nutrition, panchakarma cleansing, acupressure massage, Yoga, Sanskrit, and Jyotish (Vedic astrology), as well as seminars, intensives and a correspondence course. Founded as the educational arm of a non-profit organization by Vasant Lad in Albuquerque, NM in 1984, the school uses the time-honored Vedic approach to education, teaching from an oral tradition based on personal growth through spirituality. The content is similar to that taught in the traditional Ayurvedic colleges in India.
Bastyr University
Offers two-year bachelor of science degree completion program in herbal sciences designed for students with at least 90 transferable quarter credits (60 semester credits). Also offers an accredited combined Bachelors/Masters Program in either acupuncture or Oriental medicine.
California College of Ayurveda
Offers a two year, clinically oriented education program leading to certification as a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist. Founded by Dr. Marc Halpern, the college provides education, health care, and research in the field of Ayurveda at three California locations as well as through a distance learning program.
California School of Herbal Studies
Offers an eight-month intensive course designed for the beginning or intermediate student covering plant identification, wild-crafting and cultivation, drying and storing, medicine making, human physiology, materia-medica, therapeutics and first aid. Located on an 80-acre sanctuary, Emerald Valley, north of San Francisco, the school also offers workshops and community programs. Founded in 1978 by Rosemary Gladstar, today the school is led by Directors Rebecca Maxfield and Jason Miller, along with Program Coordinator Autumn Summers.
Center for Herbal Studies
Offers a 2-year herbalist training program, either on-site (Washington, NJ) or on-line via live webcast. Created and primarily taught by David Winston, founding member of the American Herbalist Guild, and recognized as one of the foremost practicing herbalists in North America.
Dominion Herbal College
Offers a three year residential clinical herbal therapy diploma program, in addition to extensive distance learning options. The course is designed to provide the student with a practical working knowledge of herbs, the human body and a philosophical framework for applying herbs as healing agents. Originally founded by Dr. Herbert Nowell, a Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, B.C. in 1926 and reorganized by Ella Birzneck, members of Ms. Birzneck's family work to ensure that the original purpose of the College, to preserve and nurture the study of herbalism, remains intact.
New York College of Health Professions
Offers combined Bachelor/Master degree programs in Acupuncture (145 credit hour) and Oriental Medicine (185 credit hours; acupuncture and herbal medicine combined) accredited by ACAOM.
North American Institute of Medical Herbalism
Offers introductory, advanced, and clinical training in medical herbalism and clinical nutrition in the vitalist tradition. Training is offered in classroom, clinical, field training, and distance learning formats. Founded by Paul Bergner, the school is located in Boulder, CO.
Northeast School of Botanical Medicine
Offers two programs and a traditional styled apprenticeship to help students gain a comprehensive understanding of the clinical application of herbal medicine along with an informed respect of the plants vital to this medicine. Both programs offer an in-depth view of historical and traditional uses of herbal medicine interwoven with current scientific thought and applicable studies. There are three primary foci of the school. The first is to train students as clinical herbalists. The second focus is on the practical and academic aspects of first aid for the home, in the wilderness and on the street. The third primary emphasis is on field botany - the science of plant identification. Created and directed by 7Song, the school is located in Ithaca, NY.
Pacific Institute of Oriental Medicine
Offers accredited Master degree programs in Traditional Oriental Medicine and certificates in Oriental Body Therapy. The curriculum and clinical training encompass acupuncture, herbology, Chinese internal medicine, Western medical sciences and therapeutic exercises such as Qi Gong and Tai Ji. Master's interns have the opportunity to train at hospitals and integrative health care settings in the cities we serve. Campuses are located in San Diego, Chicago and New York. The San Diego campus offers a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The doctorate program is a six- semester, 1267.5 hour, 61.5 credit program of study. It is composed of a series of courses in five tracks in which each doctoral fellow completes 49 didactic and clinic courses.
Sage Mountain Advanced Herbal Training Program
Offers a 7-month program to help intermediate and advanced students develop skills necessary to become practicing community herbalists and to hone their skills as practitioners. This learning center for herbs and earth awareness also offers a home study course and workshops. Founded by Rosemary Gladstar and Karl Slick in 1988, the school is located on 500 pristine acres in central Vermont.
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
Offers self-paced distance learning program in herbal therapeutics and constitutional evaluation. A second program in herbal materia medica is under development. Each of the 12 lessons contains at least 6 DVDs, primarily filmed lectures from former residential programs; some have additional CDs and many have printed material. Created and primarily taught by Michael Moore, an herbal elder and one of the most respected herbalists in North America today.
Tai Sophia Institute for the Healing Arts
Offers accredited master level programs in acupuncture, herbal medicine and applied healing arts, as well as continuing education programs in Chinese herbs and animal acupuncture. Tai Sophia has been a meeting point of the ancient healing traditions from the East and West for more than 30 years. Their educational programs and offerings have been designed to incorporate the timeless wisdom of nature and the ancient healing traditions, modern science, and transformative practice. Founded by Robert Duggan and Dianne Connelly, the school is located in Laurel, MD.
Wild Rose College Of Natural Healing
Offers four levels of training with diploma programs available through in-class study, correspondence and on-line courses, as well as individual classes. The school was founded in Calgary, Alberta by Terry Willard, Ph.D. in 1975, and is now a center for both the casual and the serious student to learn a broad range of therapies, techniques and natural health concepts.
More extensive listings of schools offering herbal education can be found on the American Herbalists Guild website at http://www.americanherbalistsguild.com/index.php?module=pnEducation.
A list of acupuncture programs accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) can be found on their website at http://www.acaom.org/accdtd_cndtdschls.htm.
CAM EDUCATION and TRAINING that includes Training in Herbal Medicine
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
The AANP website provides a list of accredited naturopathic schools offering four-year full-time programs leading to qualification as a licensed naturopathic physician.
See also our Resource Guides on:
A list of correspondence courses can be found on HerbNET:
American Medical Student Association Directory of Medical Schools with associated courses/programs in Alternative and Complementary Medicine
A comprehensive listing of medical school courses, electives, internships and programs relating to complementary, alternative, and/or integrative medicine.
American Medical Student Association Listing of University Integrative Medicine Programs
Educational Development for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EDCAM) Project Pilot schools
The EDCAM project is piloting a comprehensive CAM curriculum at six MD/DO programs. The curriculum includes modules on self-care and stress reduction; CAM therapeutics; holistic interviewing techniques; and CAM research, mentorships, and international electives.
American Botanical Council
Pharmacy from the Rain Forest
Given three times per year, this course includes travel to the rainforests to study plant sources of prescription drugs and indigenous uses of local plants.
The R & H Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Botanical Medicine in Modern Clinical Practice - annual course since 1996, in association with the New York Botanical Garden and the University of Arizona, Program in Integrative Medicine.
Nutrition and Health - annual course since 2004, presented in collaboration with the University of Arizona, Program in Integrative Medicine.
For further details: http://www.rosenthal.hs.columbia.edu/Events.html
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Professional Curriculum on Herbs and Dietary Supplements
An innovative, online continuing Education activity addresses the growing demand for professional education about herbs and dietary supplements.
In addition, a great many conferences and workshops offer CEU/CME accreditation on attendance to physicians and other healthcare professionals.
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American Botanical Council
ABC is a member-based organization providing education using science-based and traditional information to promote the responsible use of herbal medicine. ABC serves the public, researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, industry, and media, and provides extensive information resources.
American Herbalists Guild
Educational, peer-review organization. Provides a professional member referral list (by state) and a listing of their monographs and books, as well as other helpful links.
American Herbal Products Association
The American Herbal Products Association is the only national trade association that is focused primarily on herbs and herbal products. AHPA’s mission is to promote the responsible commerce of herbal products.
American Society of Pharmacognosy
The American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) is an international association of over 1,000 scientists whose interests involve one or more aspects of natural products research. The society promotes the growth and development of pharmacognosy, to provide the opportunity for association among the workers in that science and in related sciences, to provide opportunities for presentation of research achievements, and to promote the publication of meritorious research.
Society for Economic Botany
This is a professional society for individuals concerned with basic botanical, phytochemical and ethnological studies of plants. They produce a Society Newsletter, Plants and People in addition to the quarterly Economic Botany Journal (listed in the Journals section)
United States Pharmacopeia
The United States Pharmacopeia is an independent, science-based public health organization whose mission is to promote the public health by developing and disseminating quality standards and information for medicines, healthcare delivery, and related products and practices. It is the official public standards-setting authority for all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, dietary supplements, and other healthcare products manufactured and sold in the United States.
Further listings of US herb associations can be found at:
Australian Traditional-Medicine Society
Founded in 1984, ATMS is Australia's largest professional association of complementary medicine practitioners with four main national committees, Departments of Massage Therapy; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Homeopathy, Naturopathic Nutrition, Naturopathy, and Western Herbal Medicine, to address the specific needs of practitioners in these disciplines.
European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (Known as ESCOP)
ESCOP was founded in June 1989 as an umbrella organization representing national phytotherapy associations across Europe, especially in their discussions with European medicines regulators. Since 1996 it has been a company limited by guarantee in the United Kingdom.
National Herbalists Association of Australia
Founded in 1920, the NHAA is the oldest natural therapies association in Australia, and the only national professional body of medical herbalists.
National Institute of Medical Herbalists
NIHM one of the world's oldest professional bodies representing qualified herbalists. Established in 1864, NIMH is the UK's leading authority on herbal health matters.
Ontario Herbalists Association
For over 20 years, OHA has promoted has promoted safe and natural healing with plant medicines. Their primary goals are to promote public awareness and education on herbs and herbalism and to establish standards of education and practice for professional herbalists.
Further listings of international associations can be found at:

Herb Research Foundation
Provides searches on specific herbal treatments and dietary supplements.
World Research Foundation
Provides searches of the literature on specific health problems worldwide.
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Promotional and commercial sites are not included in this listing unless they provide significant impartial information resources.
American Botanical Council
Nonprofit, educating the public on the use of herbs and phytomedicinals. ABC publishes HerbalGram and provides HerbClip, a bi-weekly service summarizing articles drawn from the mainstream media. An extensive Herbal Education Catalogue is accessible on the website.
American Folk Medicine
UCLA's online archive of American folk medicine.
Collection of resources and links on botanicals. Features a hyper-text version of A Modern Herbal, 1931, by Mrs. M. Grieve.
Online botany education resource about botanical compounds used in cancer treatment/research and about the plants that produce them from Indiana University's BioTech Project.
GRIN Taxonomy
Many plants (37,000 taxa, 14,000 genera) are included in GRIN taxonomy, especially economic plants.
For USDA Nomenclature, use http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/tax/taxgenform.html
Henriette's Herbal Homepage
One of the earliest herb sites, contains a collection of medicinal and culinary herb resources.
Herbal Bookworm
Provocative and controversial herbal book reviews as well as other resources, offered by Jonathan Treasure, MNIMH.
Herbal Education Services
Offers quality information on herbal medicine to interested health professionals and the general public in the form of conferences, audio tapes and digital recordings and proceedings books.
Herbal Hall
Interactive website for professional herbalists.
Herbal Therapeutics
David Winston's website features educational resources, book reviews, classic botanical medicine literature in pdf format and links to more herbal resources.
HerbMed® is an interactive evidence-based herbal database, linking directly to the scientific research underlying the use of herbs for health. HerbMed® is researched and developed by the Alternative Medicine Foundation.
Herb growing and marketing network.
The Herb Research Foundation
Nonprofit research and educational foundation provides an information resource for the worldwide use of herbs for health, environmental conservation and international development.
Herb Society (UK) Home Page
Herbal miscellany from the Herb Society, Britain.
Herb Society of America
A site for herb growing enthusiasts, the society has a membership and an annual publication, "The Herbarist."
Howie Brounstein's Home Page
Extensive collection of sites and resources.
Categorized links to information on medicinal herbs and herbalism in the clinical setting from North American Institute of Medical Herbalism, publisher of Medical Herbalism and provider of education in medical herbalism.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Integrative Medicine Service presents a searchable database of evidence-based information about herbs, botanicals and supplements. Information provided includes a clinical summary, constituents, adverse effects, interactions, and potential benefits or problems.
Michael Tierra's Planetary Herbology
Educational and other resources offered by Michael Tierra. Includes the East West Herb Course.
Native American Ethnobotany
Dan Moerman's searchable database of foods, drugs, dyes and fibers of Native American Peoples, derived from plants.
The New Crop Resource Online Program is the web site of the Center for New Crops & Plant Products at Purdue University.
Dr. James A. Duke's Handbook of Energy Crops electronic list on the NewCROP site.
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
Botanical consultant Dr. Jim Duke's site for the Agricultural Research Service.
Phytochemistry of Herbs
Lisa Ganora's website provides provide accurate, thoroughly researched phytochemical information for students, practitioners, and the herbal products industry
A reference resource for herbal practitioners.
Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute
Courses and resources on Chinese (TCM) herbology. There are samples of course materials and a 220-herb database of the Chinese materia medica. You need to register for access.
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine, Bisbee, Arizona
Commonly known as Michael Moore's Home Page, website features an excellent collection of medicinal plant images, as well classic texts, distribution maps and other herbal information.
United Plant Savers
UPS provides information about "at-risk" native medicinal plants of the United States and Canada.
