An Alternative and Complementary Medicine Resource Guide
- Authoritative Research Resources
- Experiential and Clinical Data
- Breast Cancer
- Mind-Body Approaches
- Case-Histories/Testimonials
- Resource Directories
The following have been selected as key information resources on alternative and complementary therapy options available for the treatment of cancer. They link to many more available books and resources. These resources have been carefully categorized and factually described to aid your own research. Some include key information on the conventional process of diagnosis, staging, and orthodox treatments before exploring other options.
In Western medicine, the primary aim of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, is to stop the malignant process by interfering with the growth and spread of cancer cells. Alternative approaches to cancer treatment mostly aim to enhance the body's own natural defenses by use of immune modulators that stimulate the immune system to attack the cancer cells. Integrative cancer therapies use conventional approaches with compatible alternative approaches.
Some alternative therapies for cancer have been developed using the same biomedical model as conventional Western treatments. These treatments aim to fight and eliminate the cancerous cells with nontoxic, multifaceted approaches, such as nutrition, herbs, antineoplastons, immune enhancement, and metabolic therapies. There is often relatively little or no basic and clinical research evidence for efficacy. Other alternative and complementary therapies regard cancer as the manifestation of an unhealthy or unbalanced body, and thus seek to heal the whole body, not just its individual diseased parts, primarily by strengthening the immune system.
Holistic approaches to cancer treatment also encompass mind-body awareness and spiritual aspects of disease as part of the bodily manifestation. They usually emphasize the role of diet and nutrition in the healing process as well as the importance of prevention. These therapies may be used as adjuncts to conventional care.
For additional resources on relevant Alternative and Complementary Resources, see our Resource Guides on:
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NOTE: The following resource listings are not intended to be comprehensive, nor to be used as a guide for treatment. They are provided for information only. The resources are selected and categorized to help you with your own research.
Donald Abrams, MD & Andrew Weil, MD
Integrative Oncology
Oxford University Press,, 2009
Provides a wealth of information for both practitioners and consumers on the emerging field of integrative oncology. |
Jonathan Chamberlain
Cancer: the Complete Recovery Guide
Long Island Press, 2008
Provides a critical review of conventional treatment and an exhaustive review of alternative and complementary therapies. |
W. John Diamond, M.D., & W. Lee Cowden, M.D., with Burton Goldberg
An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer
Celestial Arts, 1997
Features alternative and integrative treatment plans of 23 pioneering physicians specializing in cancer, 55 case histories, and an exhaustive review of alternative and complementary therapies. |
W. John Diamond, M.D., & W. Lee Cowden, M.D., with Burton Goldberg
Cancer Diagnosis: What To Do Next
Celestial Arts, 1997
A condensed and updated version of "An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer", this book provides a comprehensive review of prevention, early detection methods, and alternative and complementary therapies. |
William L. Fischer
How to Fight Cancer & Win: Scientific Guidelines and documented facts for the successful treatment and prevention of cancer and other related health problems
Agora Health Books, 1992
Discusses carcinogens, diet (including macrobiotics and the Budwig protocol), visualization, and alternative therapies. |
Bill Henderson
Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing
Booklocker.com, Inc. , 3rd Ed. 2007
Henderson, whose wife died from cancer sought information on alternative treatments and presents six different theories about how to deal with cancer cells. All are gentle, non-toxic and they work synergistically together. |
Michael Murray, ND, Tim Birdsall, ND & Paul Reilly, ND
How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine
Riverhead, 2002
Discusses nutrition, natural supplements, lifestyle guidelines, and mind-body approaches for prevention and treatment, as well as support during chemotherapy and radiation. |
Michael Tierra, ND, LAc, OMD, AHG
Treating Cancer with Herbs: An Integrative Approach
Lotus Press, 2004
Provides a systematic approach to treating cancer from a holistic perspective, detailing a wide range of herbs. Protocols for various types of cancer are included. |
Donald R. Yance, Jr., CN, MH, AHG, with Arlene Valentine
Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment
McGraw-Hill, 1999
Master herbalist, Yance, discusses herbs and other natural supplements, spiritual and lifestyle factors, other healing modalities, and natural ways to cope with conventional cancer treatments. |
Isaac Cohen, OMD, LAc, Debu Tripathy, MD, & Mary Tagliaferri, MD, LAc (Eds.)
Breast Cancer: Beyond Convention: The world's foremost authorities on complementary and alternative medicine offer advice on healing
Atria, 2003
Essays by over 20 practitioners, including Susan Love, Dean Ornish, and Rachel Remen discuss a range of complementary therapies to teach readers how to choose among them for optimum results. |
Sydney Ross Singer, PhD & Soma Grismaijer
Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras
ISCD Press, 1995
This controversial book examines the correlation found between bras and breast cancer and discusses how the restrictive nature of bras may inhibit the lymphatic system. |
Susun S. Weed
Breast Cancer? Breast Health!: The Wise Woman Way
Ash Tree Publishing, 1996
Discusses foods, exercises, and attitudes to keep breasts healthy, as well as supportive complementary medicines to ease side effects of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and tamoxifen. |
Michael Gearin-Tosh
Living Proof: A Medical Mutiny
Scribner, 2002
Compelling story of a cancer patient's battles with the conventional health system and his use of alternative approaches: nutrition, vitamins, visualization, and acupuncture. |
John M. Fink
Third Opinion: An International Resource Guide to Alternative Therapy Centers for Treating and Preventing Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, MS, CFS, and Other Degenerative Diseases
Square One, 2005
A comprehensive patient resource for finding doctors and clinics offering alternative therapies, as well as educational centers, information services, and support programs. |
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Alternative Medicine Review
Phone: (800) 228-1966
Email: kelly@thorne.com This journal reviews scientific research on alternative therapies, including anti-cancer and immune-modulating agents.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Phone: (800) 345-8112 A bimonthly clinical research journal with particular emphasis on mind/body approaches to wellness; has occasional articles on cancer.
Integrative Cancer Therapies (ICT)
This journal presents research, case studies, literature reviews, and educational roundtables, emphasizing scientific understanding of alternative medicine, traditional medicine therapies, and their responsible integration with conventional health care.
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Phone: (914) 740-2100
Email: jacm-west@comcast.net
This clinical research journal is published 10 times a year and has occasional articles on cancer.
Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology (JSIO)
Toll free: (800) 568-7281
Phone: (905) 522-7017
Email: customercare@bcdecker.com
Published quarterly, the journal provides information about the evidence-based utility of complementary therapies.
NOTE: Mainstream journals increasingly include articles on alternative treatments for cancer.
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MAGAZINES [non-peer-reviewed]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
Toll free: (800) 333 HEAL
Provides news on supplements, diet, natural beauty and household products, as well as research on alternative therapies.
Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients (TLDP)
Phone: (360) 385-6021
Fax: (360) 385-0699
Email: info@townsendletter.com
Presents clinical information on a wide variety of alternative medicine topics.
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Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Toll Free: (800) 615-3055
CTCA offers conventional care along with naturopathic medicine, nutrition, psychosocial support, and mind-body medicine at 3 hospitals in Zion (Chicago), Tulsa, and Philadelphia, and an outpatient center in Seattle. They provide a team approach that involves the patient and family in every decision and option. There are 4 treatment centers:
Geffen Visions Intl. (GVI)
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: (303) 444-6814
Fax: (303) 444-6815
Primarily conventional cancer treatments by a board-certified oncologist with a seven-level body, mind, heart and spirit program for patients and family members. This program is also available through the Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
Integrative Medicine Program
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021 Phone: (212) 639-8629 (inpatient)
Outpatient service:
Bendheim Integrative Medical Center 303 E. 65th St at 2nd Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 639-2225
Cancer Information Service: (800) 4 CANCER Physician Referral Line: (800) 525-2225
Offers complementary therapies alongside conventional treatment, such as massage, energy healing, art and music therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, meditation, guided imagery, yoga, t'ai chi, and nutritional counseling. The center also has outpatient suburban facilities in New Jersey, Long Island, and Westchester County, NY.
Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers
Simonton Cancer Center: Patient Program
PO Box 6607
Malibu, CA 90264
Toll Free: (800) 459-3424
Phone: (818) 879-7904
Email: simontoncancercenter@msn.com
Offers-day educational and psychotherapeutic session for cancer patients and their supporters, as well as resources on cancer-healing guided imagery
Zakim Center for Integrated therapies
44 Binney Street
Shields Warren Building #G133
Boston, MA 02115
Tel: (617) 632-3322
Fax: (617) 632-3988
Email: anne_doherty@dfci.harvard.edu
Part of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, the Zakim Center provides integrative cancer care.
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
4435 Wisconsin Ave NW Suite 403
Washington, DC 20016
Toll free: (866) 538-2267
Phone: (202) 237-8150
Fax: (202) 237-8152
Email: member.services@Naturopathic.org
Provides referrals to naturopathic physicians.
American Board of Holistic Medicine (ABHM)
1135 Makawao Avenue, #230
Makawao, HI 96768
Toll free: (800) 769-0638
Phone: (808) 572-4616
Email: directorabhm@aol.com
Provides referrals to physicians board certified in holistic medicine.
American College for Advancement In Medicine
23121 Verdugo Drive Suite 204 Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Fax: (949) 455-9679
Email: acam@acam.org
Provides listings of physicians who practice integrative medicine on cancer-related alternative and complementary medicine therapies and referrals to licensed physicians. Facilitates training programs for physicians primarily for chelation therapy.
American Holistic Medical Association
12101 Menaul Blvd. NE, Ste.C
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Phone: (505) 292-7788
Fax: (505) 293-7502
Email: info@holisticmedicine.org
Provides information on cancer related alternative/complementary therapies and a physician referral directory.
American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
1759 R St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Toll Free: (800) 843-8114
Phone: (202) 328-7744
Fax: (202) 328-7226
Email: researchaicrweb@aicr.org
AICR supports research into the role of diet and nutrition in the prevention and treatment of cancer. It also offers a range of cancer prevention education programs and sponsors an annual research conference.
Cancer Research Institute (CRI)
681 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Toll free: (800) 99 CANCER or (800) 992-2623
Email: info@cancerresearch.org
Fosters the science of cancer immunology by funding research on immunological approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer; sponsors an annual international symposium; educates the public about immunology and immunotherapy; and presents awards to scientists and laypersons who have made outstanding contributions.
Cancer Treatment Research Foundation
1336 Basswood Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Toll Free: (888) 221-CTRF (2873)
Phone: (847) 342-7450
Promotes and funds development of innovative and promising clinical research on science-based treatment options.
Center for Mind-Body Medicine
5225 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 414
Washington, DC 20015
Phone: (202) 966-7338 Fax: (202) 966-2589
Email: center@cmbm.org
Trains health-care professionals to combine the precision of modern science with the priniciples of self care, including mind-body techniques for stress management and nutritional medicine. Also provides a "CancerGuides" program
National Foundation for Alternative Medicine (NFAM)
5 Thomas Circle NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 463-4900
Fax: (202) 463-4947
Email: inquire@nfam.org
Data collection, research, and information on alternative cancer treatments and clinics.
Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO)
19 Mantua Road
Mt. Royal, NJ 08061
Phone: 856-423-3201
Fax: 856-423-3420
Email: siohq@talley.com
SIO is a multidisciplinary organization of professionals that provides a forum for presentation, discussion and peer review of evidence-based research on complementary therapies, including their scientific validity, clinical benefits, toxicities, and limitations.
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Alternative Cancer Information Resources
Email: leonardleonard1@earthlink.net Phone: (202) 393-2885
Free noncommercial information on cancer prevention, diet, nutrition, natural supplements, alternative & complementary therapies, and holistic practitioners & clinics around the world.
2995 Wilderness Place
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: 800-515-4325
Provides an extensive online library of alternative medicine information, and a practitioner and clinic directory, and publishes Alternative Medicine Magazine.
Burton Goldberg
309 Paradise Drive
Tiburon CA 94920
Phone: (415) 725 3555 (cell)
Email: burton@burtongoldberg.com
Offers cancer coaching, phone consultation, books, videos, and information on alternative and integrative cancer treatment centers worldwide.
Cancer Control Society (CCS)
2043 N. Berendo St. Los Angeles, CA 90027
Phone: 323-663-7801
Fax: 323-663-7757
Sponsors conferences and provides information on alternative therapies and nutrition.
CANHELP: Lifesaving Alternative Cancer Treatment Information & Support
P.O. Box 1687
Livingston, NJ 07039
Toll Free: (1-800) 364-2341
Fax: (1-888) 800-0201
Email: joan@canhelp.com
Provides a Comprehensive Personalized Cancer Treatment Information Research Report, containing detailed information on conventional and alternative therapies and clinics, to help with treatment decisions, along with a free consultation and support service.
Center for Advancement in Cancer Education (CACE)
300 E. Lancaster Ave., Ste. 100
Wynnewood, PA 19096
Phone: (610) 642-4810
Fax: (610) 896-6339
Email: caceinfo@comcast.netaol.com
CACE is a cancer education, counseling and referral agency providing nutritional, immunological and psychological resources for cancer prevention and support during and after treatment. The Center, established in 1977, focuses on combining the body's natural healing potential with advances in medical science.
Center for the Study of Natural Oncology (CSNO)
437 South Highway 101, Ste. 201
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Toll Free: (800) 557-2944
Phone: (858) 523-9144
Fax: (858) 523-0919
Email: staff@natural-oncology.org
CSNO provides information about the safety, application and efficacy of alternative therapies to assist clients in making educated decisions about their health plan and finding the best course of treatment for their specific situation.
Commonweal Cancer Help Program
P.O. Box 316
Bolinas, CA 94924
Phone: (415) 868-0970
Fax: (415) 868-2230
Founded by Michael Lerner to provide support for cancer patients, Commonweal also provides information on integrating conventional and complementary cancer therapies.
Cure Research Foundation (CRF) (formerly Cancer Cure Foundation)
P.O. Box 3782
Westlake Village, CA 91359
3541 Old Conejo Rd Ste. 109
Newbury Park, CA 91320
Toll free: (800) 282-2873
Phone: (805) 498-0185
Fax: (805) 498-4868
Email: ccf@cancure.org or info@cancure.org
Provides individuals with information about the availability of alternative treatments, doctors, and clinics, and assists them in gathering the information they need to make the best decision for their particular situation.
Foundation for Alternative & Integrative Medicine (FAIM)
1325 G Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 463-4900
Fax: 202-449-7701
Email: emory@faim.org
Formerly the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine. Data collection, research, and information on alternative cancer treatments and clinics.
Gerson Institute
1572 Second Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
Toll Free: (888) 4 GERSON
Phone: (619) 685-5353
Email: info@gerson.org
Provides information on the traditional form of Gerson therapy and dietary guidelines for healthy living, and offers training programs. Gerson therapy is a demanding regimen that may not be suitable for most cancer patients.
Healing Journeys
PO Box 221417
Sacramento, CA 95822
Toll free: (800) 423-9882
Phone: (916) 391-0549
Fax: (916) 391-1004
Email: jan@healingjourneys.org
Provides free "Cancer As a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving"TM conferences, as well as retreats and professional trainings, for persons with cancer and other illnesses, caregivers, and health professionals, focusing on psychospiritual and mind-body factors in the healing process. Events include speakers, performers, music, humor, and healing stories.
International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends (IACVF)
7740 West Manchester Avenue, Suite 203
Playa del Rey, California 90293
Phone: (310) 822-5032
Email: iacvf@netzero.net
IACVF, founded in 1963, disseminates information about alternative treatments for cancer and other diseases, publishes The Cancer Victors Journal, and produces videos. Local IACVF chapters publish newsletters and feature speakers at monthly meetings.
Moss Reports
PO Box 1076
Lemont, PA 16851
Toll free: (800) 980-1234
Fax: (814) 236-5865
Each Moss Report is individualized. Ralph Moss, not a medical practitioner, presents prioritized information on which alternative or conventional treatments and practitioners he thinks are best for the particular condition, and why. He gives names, addresses and phone numbers to access these treatments and to learn more about them.
Health Resource, Inc.
933 Faulkner
Conway, AZ 72034
Toll Free: (800) 949-0090
Phone: (501) 329-5272
Fax: (501) 329-9489
Email: moreinfo@thehealthresource.com
Provides a report of all conventional and alternative therapies currently available for specific types of cancer.
People Against Cancer (PAC)
604 East Street
P.O. Box 10
Otho, IA 50569
Phone: (515) 972-4444
Fax: (515) 972-4415
Email: info@PeopleAgainstCancer.net
Nonprofit, public interest group that provides information on cancer-related alternative/complementary medicine therapies. Also has offices in Germany and the UK.
Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
630 W. 168th Street, Box 75
New York, NY 10032, U.S.A.
Tel: (212) 342-0101 Fax: (212) 342-0100
Provides information and web resources on alternative and complementary medicine modalities. See, in particular, the Carol Ann Schwartz Cancer Initiative.
Vega Study Center
1511 Robinson St
Oroville, CA 95965
Toll Free: (800) 818-8342
Phone: (917) 533-4777
Fax: (917) 533-4999
Email: VegaStudy@cncnet.com
Provides cancer related and general information on alternative/complementary modalities and instructional programs on macrobiotics.
Weston A. Price Foundation
PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Washington DC 20016
Phone: (202) 363-4394
Fax: (202) 363-4396
Provides information on the dietary habits and nutritional wisdom of healthy indigenous societies, including information on cancer prevention.
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NOTE: Promotional and commercial sites are not included in this listing unless they provide significant impartial information resources.
Annie Appleseed Project
Information, education, advocacy on complementary and alternative cancer therapies from the patient perspective.
Breast Cancer Choices
A nonprofit organization devoted to sharing the research and experiences of women exploring non-standard treatment choices. Also provides clear information on conventional approaches and treatments.
CancerNet-Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The National Cancer Institute's resource providing scientific information on complementary and alternative cancer treatments from a conventional perspective.
Cancer Decisions
An information center for alternative cancer treatment from Ralph W. Moss. It includes advice on how to choose treatments. Visitors can sign up for a free monthly online newsletter.
Center for Mind-Body Medicine - Cancer Guides
The center provides training courses for physicians and other health professionals who want to provide integrative care for their cancer patients.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Provides comprehensive literature reviews and systematic analyses of the research on alternative and complementary therapies.
MedlinePlus - Cancer Alternative Therapies
MedlinePlus selects authoritative information from the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, and other government agencies and health-related organizations.
Mesothelioma & Asbestos Cancer Resource
An oncologist-reviewed site, see the Additional Resources box at the right on the linked web page for information on various CAM treatments as they apply to mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Cancer Center
This HonCode-certified site offers comprehensive information on preventing asbestos exposure and evaluated alternative methods of mesothelioma treatments.
Natural Cancer Treatments That Work
This web site provides 2 e-books:
Beattie, Karon (2004). Natural Cancer Treatments That Work
Provides an exhaustive review of cancer-healing foods and diets, herbs, TCM, immune therapies, electromagnetic therapies, less-toxic drugs, and other alternative and complementary therapies.
Beattie, Karon (2004). I Beat Cancer! 2,000 cases of ordinary people getting rid of their cancer with natural and non-toxic treatments
Provides a comprehensive compilation of over 2,000 testimonials, organized by type of cancer.
New Earth BioMed
The mission of New Earth BioMed is to discover safer and more effective cancer therapies based on natural product mixtures and to reduce unnecessary suffering in patients and in communities.
Steve Dunn's Cancer Guide
Resources collated by a cancer survivor, based on his own extensive research. The site includes listings of research resources on specific alternative cancer therapies. <br>
SavvyPatients.com: Integrative Medicine on the Internet
Integrative Medicine on the Internet.
Provides summarized information and links on causes, prevention, and alternative and conventional treatment options for cancer, as well as research, news, support groups, and organizations.
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Last updated: August 14, 2010
© Copyright © 1998-2010 Alternative Medicine Foundation Inc., Potomac, Maryland.
All rights reserved.